Data Structure Video Lecture Links

1) Introduction to Stack:

2) Stack Implementation using array:

3) Stack Applications:

4) Convert Infix to Postfix Expression using Stack:

5) Evaluation of Postfix Expression using Stack:

6) Introduction to Queue:

7) Circular Queue and it's Array implementation:

8) Priority Queue and it's array implementation:

9) Singly Linked List and it's implementation:

10) Doubly Linked List Introduction:

11) Circular Linked List and its implementation:

12) Implementation of Stack using Linked List (Full code):

13) Queue using Linked List (Full Code):

14) Introduction to Binary Trees:

15) Complete Binary Tree Example:

16) Binary Tree Representation:

17) Binary Search Tree:

18) Binary Search Tree Visualization:

19) Binary Search Tree Deletion Visualization:

20) Binary Search Tree Implementation using Linked List C Program:

21) Construct a Binary Search Tree(BST) from given Preorder Traversal:

22) Construct a Binary Search Tree(BST) from given Post-order Traversal:

23) Binary Tree Traversal:

24) AVL Tree:

25) AVL Tree Example:

26) Huffman Tree Visualization:

27) Design a binary tree from given preorder and inorder traversal sequences (In very easy steps):

28) Design a Binary Tree from given Preorder and Inorder Traversal:

29) Designing a Binary Tree from given Inorder and Postorder Traversal Sequence:

30) Designing a binary tree from given Postorder and Inorder traversal sequence (In very easy steps):

31) Designing a Binary Tree from given Preorder and Postorder Traversal sequence: (VIMP)

32) Design a Binary Tree from given Preorder and Postorder traversal (Explained in Simple Steps):

33) Design a Binary Tree from given Preorder and Postorder Traversal (In Easy Steps):

34) Design a Binary Tree from given preorder and postorder tree traversal (In very easy steps):

35) Design a Binary Tree from given Preorder and Postorder (In very easy steps):

36) Minimum Spanning Tree Using Kruskal's Algorithm:

37) Heap Sort:

38) Data Structure MCQs and FAQs of All Modules:

39) Data Structure Viva Questions and Answers:


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