Digital Electronics Lecture Notes

 Number System

  1)  Conversion of Decimal Number to Binary Number

  2) Decimal Number to Binary Number Conversion (Floating Point Number) Easy Steps

  3) Decimal Number to Octal Number Conversion in very easy steps

  4) Decimal Number to Hexadecimal Number Conversion in easy steps

   5) Decimal number to binary, octal and hexadecimal number conversion in very easy steps

  6) Conversion of Binary Number to Decimal Number in very easy steps

  7) Conversion of Binary Number to Octal Number in easy steps

  8) Conversion of Binary Number to Hexadecimal Number in easy steps

  9) Conversion of Binary Number to Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal Number in easy steps

  10) Conversion of Octal Number to Binary Number

  11) Conversion of Octal Number to Decimal Number

  12) Conversion of Octal Number to Hexadecimal Number

  13) Conversion Octal Number to Binary, Decimal and Hexadecimal Number system

  14) Conversion of Hexadecimal Number to Binary Number

  15) Conversion of Hexadecimal Number to Octal Number

  16) Conversion of Hexadecimal Number to Decimal Number

  17) Conversion of Hexadecimal Number to Binary, Octal and Decimal

  18) Binary Addition

  19) Binary Subtraction

  20) Binary Multiplication

  21) Octal Addition without converting to any other base

  22)  Binary Division

  23) Octal subtraction without converting to any other base

  24) 1's Complement and 2's complement of a Number

  25) 2's complement subtraction

26) Octal Multiplication without converting to any other base

  27) Octal Division without converting to any other base | Octal Division Example | Base 8 Division

  28) Hexadecimal Addition

  29) Hexadecimal Addition without converting to any other base in very simple steps

  30) Hexadecimal Subtraction

  31) Hexadecimal Multiplication


  32) AND GATE implementation using online simulator

  33) OR GATE implementation using the online simulator

  34) NOT Gate implementation using online simulator

  35) NAND Gate implementation using online simulator

  36) NOR Gate implementation using online simulator

  37) XOR Gate implementation using online Simulator

  38) XNOR Gate implementation using online Simulator

  39) DeMorgan's Theorem

 40) Binary Codes

  41) Binary to Gray

  42) Gray to Binary

  Flip Flops

  43) T Flip Flop

  44) D Flip Flop

  45) JK Flip Flop

  46) Flip Flops

  47) Flip Flop Conversions

  48) Convert SR Flip Flop to JK Flip Flop

  49) Binary to Gray Code Converter (Mini Project, with Demo)

  50) Gray to Binary Code converter (Mini Project with demo)

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