Database Management System Question Bank

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Question Bank

Module 1: Introduction to Database Concepts

Q.1) Explain the overall structure of DBMS.

Q.2) Differentiate between FPS and DBMS.

Q.3) What are the advantages of DBMS over FPS. 

Q.4) What is DBA? What are the responsibilities of DBA?

Q.5) Write short notes on: Data Models.

Module 2: Entity–Relationship Data Model

Q.1) Differentiate between strong and weak entities.

Q.2) What is an attribute? Explain the types of attributes with an example.

Q.3) Explain the Extended ER Features with suitable examples.

Q.4) Write a short note on: Specialization and Generalization.

Q.5)  Write a short note on: Aggregation

Q.6) Draw an ER diagram for a Bank Database System.

Q.7) Draw an ER diagram for the University Database Management System.

Q.8) Draw an ER diagram for the Hospital Database Management System.

Q.9) Explain the components of the ER diagram.

Q.10) Construct an ER diagram for a Library Management System. Convert the ER diagram to tables.

Module 3: Relational Model and Relational Algebra

Q.1) Explain the relational algebra operators with an example.

Q.2) Explain the steps to map an ER diagram to a relational model.

Q.3) Define key. Explain the super key, candidate key, primary key and foreign key.

Q.4) Write a short note on:

  1. Select operator

  2. Project operator

  3. Natural join

  4. Cartesian product

  5. Set intersection

Q.5) Explain the set operators in relational algebra.

Q.6) Explain following Relational Algebra operations with suitable example:

a) Project

b) Select

c) Union

d) Cartesian Product

Module 4: Structured Query Language (SQL)

Q.1) Write a short note on: DML

Q.2) Write a short note on: DDL

Q.3) Explain the Referential integrity with a suitable example.

Q.4) What are joins in SQL? Explain different types of joins.

Q.5) Write a short note on: Aggregate/group functions in SQL

Q.6) Write a short note on: Views in SQL

Q.7) Write a short note on: Triggers in SQL

Q.8) Explain the constraints in SQL.

Q.9) Employee(eid, ename, address, city)


Company(cid, cname, city)

  1. Modify the database so that John now lives in Mumbai.

  2. Find Employees who live in the same city as the company for which they work.

  3. Give all employees of "AZ Corporation" where there is an increase in salary by 15%.

  4. Find the names of all employees, company name and city of residence such that Employee name begins with 'I'

  5. Delete all tuples in work relations for employees of small bank corporations.

Q.10) Explain Authorization in SQL.

Q.11) Explain the types of integrity constraints with examples.

Module 5: Relational-Database Design

Q.1) What is Normalization? Explain 1NF, 2NF and 3NF with a suitable example.

Q.2) What is the difference between 3NF and BCNF?

Q.3) Explain lossless join decomposition and dependency preserving decomposition.

Q.4) Companies manufacture ranges of products which are purchased by customers. The relation schema for this operation is given by: 

Company (company_code#,company_name, director#, dircector_name, {product_name,cost,{cust#,customer_name,address}}) where { }represents a repeating groups and company_code, and company_code,director# and cust# contains unique values. Normalize this relation to the third normal form.

Q.5) Given a relation R( A, B, C, D) and Functional Dependency set FD={ AB → CD, B → C }, determine whether the given R is in 2NF? If not, convert it into 2 NF.

Q.6) Given a relation R( P, Q, R, S, T) and Functional Dependency set FD={ PQ → R, S → T }, determine whether the given R is in 2NF? If not, convert it into 2 NF.

Q.7) What is Functional Dependency? Explain with an example.

Module 6: Transactions Management and Concurrency and Recovery

Q.1) What is Transaction? Discuss the ACID properties of transactions.

Q.2) Explain Log based recovery.

Q.3) What is a deadlock? How is it detected? Discuss different types of deadlock prevention schemes.

Q.4) Explain Timestamp ordering protocol.

Q.5) Write a short note on: Deadlock

Q.6) Write a short note on: Lock based protocol.

Youtube Reference:
Database Management System Lectures: 

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